Passing through the entry hallway (entering or leaving) should stop all Forgotten City music from playing. This mod's music keeps playing after I leave the city: To overcome this, after you update the mod, load an old save game from before the mod was loaded. Sometimes save games carry bugs from previous mod versions with them. I keep getting a bug which was supposed to have been fixed in the latest version. If for some reason that doesn't work, open your console with ~ and type "coc 000forgottencity01" to fast travel to the entrance of the city. The courier is triggered by a change of location, for example, entering and leaving a shop. If you are experiencing crashes, it is most likely being caused by your system and mod load order.

It was tested extensively on multiple PCs running a base Skyrim install with the latest patch without encountering a single crash. A note on stability: This mod should not affect the stability of your game.